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This article describes how to create a translation for the "All Video Share" component. As an example, we are going to use our English language pack and translate it to French by doing some little modifications.

1. Download English (en- GB).

The package name itself describes that the language is English. Basically Joomla! follow a standard language naming convention [xx-XX] which is made of [iso639 language code]-[iso3166 country code]

So, "en-GB" in our package name represents the English language of the United Kingdom. Since we are going to create a translation for French, our language tag would be "fr-FR".

Note: Kindly use the appropriate language tag to which you translate the component.

2. Extract the downloaded zip file.

You should get the following file structure,

- pkg_en-GB.com_allvideoshare.xml

- administrator/language/en-GB/com_allvideoshare.ini

- administrator/language/en-GB/com_allvideoshare.sys.ini

- site/language/en-GB/com_allvideoshare.ini

- site/language/en-GB/mod_allvideosharecarousel.ini

- site/language/en-GB/mod_allvideosharecarousel.sys.ini

- site/language/en-GB/mod_allvideosharegallery.ini

- site/language/en-GB/mod_allvideosharegallery.sys.ini

- site/language/en-GB/mod_allvideoshareplayer.ini

- site/language/en-GB/mod_allvideoshareplayer.sys.ini

- site/language/en-GB/mod_allvideosharesearch.ini

- site/language/en-GB/mod_allvideosharesearch.sys.ini

3. Open pkg_en-GB.com_allvideoshare.xml in your favorite Text editor.

4. Search for "en-GB" in the whole document and replace them with "fr-FR".

5. Edit the tag as "French language pack for All Video Share."

6. That's it. Save the file. We have prepared the pkg_en-GB.com_allvideoshare.xml file for French.

7. Now, open the "administrator" folder and rename the "en- GB" folder to "fr-FR".

8. Then open the com_allvideoshare.ini file in your Text editor. Please remember all .ini files should be saved as UTF-8 without BOM encoding.

You can see that each line from the file consists of a pair of strings separated by an equals sign like this,


where "KEY" is a string to be translated and "Value" is the translated string. For example,


What all you need is, just replace the string after the (=) sign in to your own French string. For example,

COM_ALLVIDEOSHARE="Your French String"

9. Kindly follow the same in all .ini files and other "site" folders too.

10. That's it. Finally, compress the package into a ZIP file called (in our example the package will name as pkg_fr- Now the translation is ready and can be installed via standard Joomla! installation procedure.

11. Congrats! you have translated the component to your language. Kindly mail the translated version to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. So, we will add it to the site for public use.

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